My current journey is no accident. I am seeking out individual entrepreneurs because I find passion contagious and entrepreneurs are passionate people. They have to be if there is any hope of them seeing their project, their baby, through to the very end. I came back to my apartment late on Friday, late enough that I was looking forward to going straight to bed. There was a three-person gathering in the lobby and they invited me to join. It turns out that one of my neighbors, a guy that must be in his mid sixties, is a biotech entrepreneur. Sure I was exhausted, but the excitement in his voice energized me so much that I stayed up another two hours talking to him.
He shared some details about his project with me: It turns out that he has been developing and refining technology for recycling wastewater for 20 years!!! This is a man that sees a real problem in the world around him (pollution) and has devoted a great amount of time and energy towards doing something about it. I wish him the best, but with the understanding that he already has something exceedingly valuable. That spark in his eye...It's both rare and wonderful. I know because I have spent the last few years chasing after it. I picked the topic for my thesis based on a class taught by Professor Barbezat, but it wasn't the syllabus that inspired me. Instead, I was captivated by the positive energy he gave off when talking about something that he clearly thought was just super cool.
Passion: To me, it is the meaning of life, the joie de vivre, the big picture.
Thanks for the update Alex, you captured the description well. Its not about the business, or the riches, but about that Promethean desire to share a flame with the world.